
Wednesday, May 18, 2011 Ayah Masya & Afa


Disini aku melampiaskan hobi nontonku yg ga tersalurkan. Ya kadang2 sempat download, tapi ga sempat nonton.

Kalian aja dech yg butuh / suka nonton, tar aku nyusul dech
kalu pas hari libur, hahahaha................

Keep your eyes open, guys..............

Source Code (2011)

Rating : 7.7/10
Users: (24,184 votes) 230 reviews | Critics: 294 reviews Metascore: 74/100 (based on 41 reviews from

An action thriller centered on a soldier who wakes up in the body of an unknown man and discovers he's part of a mission to find the bomber of a Chicago commuter train.

Sebuah film action-thriller yg ceritanya berpusat pd seorang serdadu yg terbangun dalam tubuh orang lain yg tidak dia kenal dan menemukan bagian misi dirinya untuk menemukan pengebom kereta commuter Chicago.

Director:Duncan Jones Writer: Ben Ripley Stars: Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan and Vera Farmiga

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